Dicle University Journal of the Institute of Natural and Applied Science aims to contribute to the literature by publishing manuscripts at the highest scientific level on engineering, architecture, science, and agricultural engineering.
Dicle University Journal of the Institute of Natural and Applied Science publishes original research and review articles prepared in accordance with ethical rules on engineering, architecture, basic sciences, and agricultural engineering.
In the publishing process of our journal, it is very important that authors, publisher, referees, and editors comply with the standards of ethical principles. Publication ethics and policies specified by the Turkish Higher Education Council’s Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics* and by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)** are taken as a guide for ethical duties and responsibilities in all processes carried out within the scope of our journal. In terms of ethical assurance, the “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” and “Code of Conduct for Publishers” of COPE are adopted by our journal.
In this context; In cases that require “ethics committee permission” for scientific research, “ethics committee approval” must be obtained, this approval must be stated in the article and also documented. Information about the permission obtained (name of the board, date and number of the document) should be specified in the method section of the article.
All published articles comply with the copyright regulations for literary and artistic works
* https://www.yok.gov.tr/Sayfalar/Kurumsal/mevzuat/bilimsel-arastirma-ve-etik-yonetmeligi.aspx
Editors, referees, authors, and publisher within the scope of "Dicle University Journal of the Institute of Natural and Applied Science" (DUFED) abide by the following rules in terms of publishing ethics.
All manuscripts submitted to DUFED are screened with iThenticate Software Program. Articles with a similarity rate of more than 20% are immediately rejected.
DUFED follows the guidelines including in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) flowcharts* to manage a plagiarism case.
In the case of suspected plagiarism in a published article:
Dicle University Journal of the Natural and Applied Science (DUFED) is a scientific, open access, international peer-reviewed journal published twice a year (June and December). The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English. Original research and review articles prepared in accordance with research and publication ethics on engineering, architecture, basic sciences and agricultural engineering are published. No fees are charged from the authors for the acceptance, evaluation and publication of the articles.
A proposed manuscript is first reviewed by relevant experts under the editorship of the journal. The manuscript that is determined not to be prepared in accordance with the author guidelines, is sent back to its authors for correction. The peer-review process begins with the appointment of a relevant field editor to a manuscript that has passed the preliminary stage. The field editor also invites three (at least two) referees who are experts in their fields to evaluate the manuscript. With the positive evaluation of at least two reviewers and the opinion of the editor, it is decided to publish the manuscript. The names of the reviewers and authors are kept confidential during the manuscript evaluation process. The evaluation process is expected to be completed within 60 days. If this period is exceeded, the relevant field editor may appoint new reviewers. The reviewer process is completed with the positive (publishable) or negative (unpublished) opinions of at least two reviewers. After positive reviewer evaluations, the revision (major or minor) decision of the manuscripts is made by the field editor in line with the reviewers' recommendations. It is expected that the revision process of the manuscript (15 days) will be completed within a maximum of one month (if the authors request an extension). Otherwise, the relevant manuscript is returned to its authors. The final decision (acceptance or rejection) for the publication of the manuscript, whose peer-review process has been completed and reached the decision stage, is made by the relevant field editor.
It is accepted that the submitted manuscripts are not published in any medium or not recommended for publication. Otherwise, the manuscript will be rejected. All responsibility of the articles belongs to the author(s).
It is mandatory to scan the manuscript with a plagiarism program (Turnitin or iThenticate) and upload the similarity report to the DergiPark System. Except for references, manuscripts with a similarity rate over 20% are rejected without being evaluated.
The Authors' Agreement and Commitment Form, in which the relevant information is filled in and signed by all authors, must be uploaded to the DergiPark System.
Authors should report that they have received an Ethics Committee Report in their manuscripts when necessary, and a copy of this report should be attached when necessary.
Authors should add their declarations about "acknowledgment", "conflict of interest" and "authors’ contributions" to the relevant section at the end of their manuscript.
No fees are charged from the authors for the acceptance, evaluation, and publication of the articles.
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